Our Projects

Orphanage Home

The Orphanage Home project is a lifeline for orphaned and abandoned children in Pakistan. In a country where social safety nets for such children are limited, our orphanage provides a loving and stable environment where these vulnerable youngsters can thrive. Your support ensures they receive nutritious meals, proper healthcare, access to quality education, and most importantly, a sense of belonging and love. These children face immense challenges, and your contribution helps break the cycle of poverty and neglect, giving them the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society.

Biggest Orphanage of Faisalabad City is Under Construction.

Sunday School Ministry

Our Sunday School Ministry is vital in nurturing the faith and values of Christian children in Pakistan. In a nation where religious minorities often face discrimination, Sunday School offers a safe haven for young minds to learn about their Christian faith, the Bible, and moral principles. Your support enables us to provide educational materials, qualified teachers, and a nurturing environment where children can deepen their understanding of Christianity. By investing in this project, you’re not only strengthening the faith of these young believers but also helping them become resilient and proud of their Christian identity.

Outreach Ministry

Pakistan’s Christian communities often live in remote areas with limited access to resources and spiritual guidance. Our Outreach Ministry aims to bridge this gap by bringing the message of hope and faith to these marginalized communities. Your support enables us to organize outreach events, distribute religious literature, and engage with these communities to offer spiritual support and share the Gospel. Through this project, you’re ensuring that Christianity remains a source of strength and resilience in even the most isolated areas.

Church Planting

In Pakistan, Christians often struggle to find places of worship. Our Church Planting project addresses this critical need by establishing new Christian congregations in underserved areas. Your support helps secure facilities, train pastoral leadership, and create thriving Christian communities. By contributing to this project, you’re not only providing Christians with a place to worship but also fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth.

Gospel & Healing Prayer Meetings

Our Gospel & Healing Prayer Meetings project serves as a sanctuary for believers to come together, worship, and seek spiritual healing. In a nation where faith is a source of strength, these gatherings provide solace and encouragement. Your support helps organize these events, bringing people together to experience the power of prayer and the transformative message of the Gospel. By investing in this project, you’re promoting spiritual growth and providing a space where faith can flourish.

Christian Youth Empowerment

Christian youth in Pakistan often face limited educational opportunities and job prospects, which can lead to a cycle of poverty. Our Christian Youth Empowerment project equips these young individuals with the skills and resources they need for a brighter future. Your support funds vocational training, career guidance, and mentorship programs that empower these youth to break free from economic constraints and build successful lives. By investing in this project, you’re not only offering hope to young Christians but also fostering a new generation of empowered leaders.

Women's Ministry

In a society where women often face discrimination and limited opportunities, our Women’s Ministry project empowers Christian women through education, skills training, and support networks. Your contribution promotes gender equality, self-sufficiency, and confidence among these women, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to their communities. By supporting this project, you’re not only changing individual lives but also advocating for gender equality within the Christian community in Pakistan.

Sewing Centers for Widows

Widows in Pakistan often struggle to provide for their families. Our Sewing Centers for Widows project offers vocational training in sewing, a valuable skill that allows these women to earn a sustainable income. Your support not only empowers widows to support their families but also restores their sense of dignity and self-reliance. By investing in this project, you’re directly impacting the lives of widows, helping them regain financial independence and stability.

Skills Training for Christian Youth

Many Christian youth in Pakistan face limited access to skill development opportunities, hindering their job prospects. Our Skills Training for Christian Youth project provides practical training in various trades, equipping them with valuable skills that increase employability. Your contribution ensures these young individuals can access better employment opportunities, breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence. By supporting this project, you’re opening doors for young Christians to build successful and sustainable futures.

School For Brick Kiln Children

Children from brick kiln families in Pakistan often endure harsh working conditions and have limited access to education. Our School For Brick Kiln Children project ensures these children receive a quality education, offering them a chance at a brighter future. Your support enables us to provide a safe learning environment, school supplies, and dedicated teachers who understand the unique challenges these children face. By investing in this project, you’re breaking the cycle of generational poverty and providing these children with a pathway to a brighter future through education.

Scholarships for Poor Students

Access to education is a fundamental right, yet many poor students in Pakistan struggle to afford school fees and supplies. Our Scholarships for Poor Students project bridges this gap by offering financial assistance to underprivileged students. Your contribution empowers these young minds to pursue their dreams and escape the cycle of poverty through education. By investing in this project, you’re not only providing access to education but also nurturing the potential of these students, who may go on to become leaders and change-makers in their communities.

Free Medical Camps and Emergency Aids

Access to medical care is a basic human right, yet many in Pakistan lack access to healthcare services. Our Free Medical Camps and Emergency Aids project provides critical medical care to those in need. Your support enables us to organize medical camps, offer emergency aid, and provide essential medications, saving lives and alleviating suffering in times of crisis. By investing in this project, you’re making a tangible difference in the health and well-being of vulnerable individuals and families, offering them hope and relief in their times of need.

Each of these projects addresses critical needs within the Christian community in Pakistan, and your support plays a pivotal role in making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Your generosity brings hope, education, and support to individuals and families who need it most, helping us build a brighter future for all.

Local Fundraising from Pakistan

While we are committed to raising funds from within Pakistan, the demand for our services often exceeds our local resources. Therefore, we actively seek support beyond our borders to ensure that we can continue our essential work. International contributions play a crucial role in expanding our reach, allowing us to provide hope, education, and support to even more individuals and families within the Christian community in Pakistan. Your generosity from around the world amplifies our impact and helps us create a brighter future for those in need. We are deeply grateful for your global partnership in our mission.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” ~Acts 20:35”